Project Description
Let’s Play!
Let’s Play Project, which came into life with partnership of Active Living Association, Ministry of Education and Coca-Cola Life Plus Foundation, aimed to make children’s daily lives more active, to improve their creativity and to play actively with each other, by creating play areas in schools, where children spent the most time in daily life.
- Project continued for 5 years and active play areas were made in 500 schools from 50 provinces of Turkey.
- A total of 1,000 traditional, local, regional, universal, historical plays based on physical activity were examined and workshops were held with consultants from different specialties.
- The plays were organized according to different school types and geographical structures. The plays designed in the light of the collected information and were made playable by drawing on the gardens of the schools.
- The plays, which were made playable by drawing on the garden floor, include traditional plays like aşık, gerehli, micoz; universal plays like hopscotch and modern plays like twister.
- Play areas, where children can learn addition-subtraction, navigation and word challenge, make learning lessons easier for classes like mathematics, English/Turkish and geography.
- Activities were organized to encourage the establishment of play clubs in schools.
- The infrastructure of the network of volunteer playworkers, including young people studying in the Physical Education and Sports Departments of the universities, was created.
- The “Active Plays Guide” was created by compiling all games reviewed and designed within the scope of Let’s Play! Project.
Play Area Examples
The game which children in many countries of the world play fondly, is designed to allow students of all ages to play in many ways. The play improves students’ hand, arm and eye coordination, and increases the balance and muscle strength with the leap movement.